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Kansas Wesleyan University

Satisfactory Academic Progress for Financial Assistance Recipients

Section 668.16(e) and 668.34 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Title IV, Student Assistance General Provisions requires that students receiving federal financial assistance be making “satisfactory academic progress” toward an educational goal (degree) in order to be eligible for Federal Title IV financial aid. These programs include:

  • Federal Pell Grant
  • Federal Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grant
  • Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant
  • Federal Teach Grant
  • Federal Perkins Loan
  • Federal Work Study
  • Federal Direct Stafford
  • Unsubsidized Federal Direct Stafford Loans
  • Federal Direct PLUS Loans

This policy also includes all financial aid programs from the State of Kansas and Kansas Wesleyan University programs.

Eligibility for Financial Assistance

In order to be eligible and to remain eligible for the above listed programs, a student’s academic performance must be in compliance with these standards. For the specifics of these standards, refer to the current university Academic Catalog. Look at page 29 in the 2019–20 Academic Catalog and go to the section titled “Satisfactory Academic Progress Standards.”

Kansas Wesleyan Academic Scholarships have separate academic eligibility requirements to receive and to renew (retain in the following year) and to potentially upgrade (increase) your scholarship level. For specifics on these scholarships, the Kansas Wesleyan University webpage called KWU Scholarships.

Framework to Evaluate Academic Progress

Kansas Wesleyan University has established a framework for evaluating a student’s progress to achieve an educational goal (degree) within an optimum period of time. This includes a qualitative measure (cumulative grade point average) and a quantitative measure (pace toward graduation).

Academic Good Standing: Undergraduate

To be considered in academic good standing, students must meet two standards:

1. Qualitative Standard: Students must achieve a Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) in compliance with the following:

Credit Hours Earned*

Minimum CGPA for Good Standing

Less than 28 (all undergraduate students) 1.70
28 or greater but less than 44 1.80
44 or greater but less than 60 1.90
60 and over 2.00

* See definition of Credit Hours Earned and Attempted below.

2. Quantitative Standards:

  1. Maximum Time to Complete Undergraduate Degree: The maximum time frame for students to complete their undergraduate degree is 189 Credit Hours Attempted.   (120 * 150%= 180), and
  2. Pace (Percentage of Completion): Undergraduate students must successfully complete 66 percent of all credit hours attempted calculated as: **Credit Hours Earned/*Credit Hours Attempted must be at least equal to 66.66% .

Academic Good Standing: Undergraduate

To be considered in academic good standing, students must meet two standards:

1. Qualitative Standard: Graduate Students must achieve a Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 3.000 or higher. See definition of Credit Hours Earned and Attempted below.

2. Quantitative Standards:

  1. Maximum Time to Complete Graduate Degree: The maximum time frame for students to complete their graduate degree is 45 Credit Hours Attempted.   (30 * 150%= 45), and
  2. Pace (Percentage of Completion): Graduate students must successfully complete 66 percent or more of all credit hours attempted over the history of their graduate college credits, calculated as: **Credit Hours Earned/*Credit Hours Attempted must be at least equal to 66.66% .

Frequency of Academic Progress Evaluation

The Registrar’s Office shall review each undergraduate student’s Academic Record for satisfaction of the standards at the end of each term:  Fall, Spring, and Summer.

Definitions and Policies

Students with Completed Bachelor’s Degree

Students with a completed bachelor’s degree will be eligible for federal Direct Stafford and Unsubsidized Stafford Loans for a subsequent bachelor’s degree, provided the aggregate loan limit has not been exceeded. These students are also eligible for Kansas Wesleyan University scholarship and grant programs not based upon financial need.  Satisfactory Academic Progress for Cumulative units attempted (PACE) should follow GPA; not described in KWU catalog.

*Definition of Credit Hours Attempted:

All credit hours attempted at Kansas Wesleyan University and all credit hours accepted for transfer into Kansas Wesleyan University are included in both the Qualitative and the Quantitative Standards.  Credit Hours attempted at institutions from which the student transferred but which are not accepted for credit at KWU are not considered Credit Hours Attempted for the qualitative or quantitative calculation.

**Definition of Credit Hours Earned:

The following grades count as:

  • Earned Hours: A, B, C, D, P, S, CR, I/B, I/C, and I/D.
  • Attempted Hours, but do not count as Earned Hours: F, U, I/F, I, and W.
  • The following grades affect the cumulative GPA: A, B, C, D, F, I/B, I/C, I/D, and I/F.
  • Remedial Courses are NOT included in this calculation.
  • Repeated courses are included in the cumulative attempted credit hours. However, only the course with the highest grade is included in the cumulative grade point average.

Academic Probation / Dismissal

A student who fails to meet either the Qualitative CGPA and/or the Quantitative Standards (see above) at the end of a term will be placed on Academic Probation.  If a student who is already on Academic Probation fails to achieve good standing during the following semester, the student may be dismissed.  However, no undergraduate student will be dismissed when the most recently completed semester GPA is 2.00 or better, and no graduate student will be dismissed when the most recently completed term GPA is 3.00 or better.

Provisionally admitted students are considered to be on Academic Probation upon entry and must accomplish a CGPA in accordance with the qualitative standards for academic good standing (at least 1.5 for undergraduate students) during the first semester.  Failure to do so will result in dismissal.

Both provisionally admitted students and students on academic probation must be enrolled in INTD090: Strategies for Success and attend regular meetings with the Director of the Student Success Center.  Students who fail INTD090 will be required to repeat the course the following semester.

Students dismissed after spring semester may not enroll at Kansas Wesleyan University for the summer term or the next fall semester. Students dismissed after the Fall Semester, may not enroll at Kansas Wesleyan University for the Spring Semester. Students dismissed after the Summer Semester, may not enroll at Kansas Wesleyan University for the Fall Semester. Academically dismissed students who wish to re-apply for admission are encouraged to use the period of absence from Kansas Wesleyan University for activities that will give evidence of their potential to improve performance, for example, successful completion of coursework at another institution in order to raise their cumulative grade point average to a level admissible to the University.

Appeal of Academic Dismissal

Within two weeks of being academically dismissed, a student may appeal in writing to the Enrollment Committee by submitting their appeal to the Office of the Registrar.  The Enrollment Committee is chaired by the Provost.  The Registrar and several faculty members also serve on the Enrollment Committee, among others.    The “Petition to Appeal Academic Dismissal” form may be obtained from the university website or the Office of the Registrar.  A student whose appeal is approved by the Enrollment Committee may resume enrollment at Kansas Wesleyan University on Academic Probation, but must be enrolled in INTD090: Strategies for Success, attend regular meetings with the Director of the Student Success Center, and follow the academic plan set for them.  The academic plan may involve the inclusion of a graduation plan and timeline for degree completion, which the student is obligated to follow exactly in order to remain enrolled at the university.  Financial Assistance eligibility is reinstated during semesters of probation.

Readmission after Academic Dismissal

After the full semester of absence following dismissal, students may apply for re-admission to the university by submitting the “Return after Lapse” application available in the Office of Admissions.   The application for re-admission will be reviewed by the Enrollment Committee.  If re-admitted, the student will re-enter the university on academic probation. Financial assistance eligibility is reinstated during semesters of probation.  If the student has been gone for two full semesters or more, he or she must also complete a new application for admission, submit the twenty dollar ($20.00) nonrefundable application fee, and meet normal admission standards. A student’s entire educational record is considered for all re-admission decisions.  The student’s advisor will be kept informed of all re-admission decisions. Financial Assistance eligibility is reinstated.

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